Friday, November 18, 2011

I am Blogging...Hear Me Roar!

There is an incredible responsibility that comes with blogging/operating a blog/being a blogger:
You must be interesting and/or witty and/or filled with cutsie anecdotes and aphorisms about the humdrum, everyday aspects of life, and you must be able to dispense these little nuggets of shiny-papered mundanity to the masses in a way that goes down smooth without coming across as attention-seeking and needy. And this is my greatest fear: that in starting a blog I am going to find that I am the most boring person I know. This is not a good thing. Nobody wants to be "the guy who thinks he's delightfully whimsical when in reality he is as interesting as a door stop." I fear this more than skinny jeans.

Okay, okay. Maybe I'm over thinking this. But even as I write this, I am finding it hard to come up with something worth saying--and it's my first blog post, for crying in the mud!

Maybe I'll just stop while I'm ahead (am I ahead?) and say I'll be back soon. This whole blog thing is making me feel like Robin Williams at a waxing salon.

We'll see you when I have something interesting to say. I hope--if I don't bore myself first!


  1. HA!!! I'm one of the most boring people I know! It's okay, we'll be boring together in the blog world. ;)

  2. i'm about 20 blog posts deep at this point in my blogging career...and even though all of them are for class i still find it necessary to include wit into each and every one
